* Journals marked by asterisks can be accessed through the Hebrew University Central Library - E-journals section.
Asia Major - First series / Second series / Third series
Asian Philosophy (*)
Asian Studies Review - up to 2003 / 2004-present
Austrian Association of East Asian Studies (On-line journal)
China Perspectives (CEFC)
China Quarterly (*)
Early China (from v20)
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (Taiwan)
Journal of Asian History (with author index)
Late Imperial China (full texts since 1996) (*)
Ling Lung Women's Magazine (Shanghai, 1931 to 1937)
Modern China (*)
Orientations (Hong Kong; Oriental Art)
Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie (in Russian)
Revue Bibliographique de Sinologie (at Paris)
Sinorama Bulletin (光華雜誌快訊)
The China Review (Hong Kong)
World Sinology (China)