- General
Bibliography of China sources - A general bibliography of history and culture. Most references are after 1983
Bibliography of Russian language publications about China, 1989-1999
Guoxue Chinese studies
A comprehensive site with access to on-line texts (simplified characters), tables of contents of academic journals, research materials, information on leading modern scholars and further connections to relevant sites. Highly recommended- Classical Historiography for Chinese History, Benjamin Elman, UCLA
Research Exercizes added fall 1996 Chinese Studies WWW Virtual Library by the University of Melbourne
- The South China Sea - An online resource for students, scholars and policy-makers interested in South China Sea regional development, environment, and security issues.
- China Museums
- Women and Female studies
Women's writing system (nushu): "World of Nushu" website Orie Endo, Japan
Women in Chinese History University of Maine site
Chinese Accounts of Rome, Byzantium and the Middle East, c. 91 B.C.E. - 1643 C.E. from East Asian History Sourcebook
Gender and Sexuality in Pre-Modern China: Bibliography of Materials in Western Languages (by Paul R. Goldin, UPenn.)
- Science and Technology
Bibliography on science in China by Nathan Sivin
History of Chinese Medicine Webpage run by Yi-li Wu
On-Line Articles and Publications
Shen Kua (1031-1095) (by Nathan Sivin, from "Science in Ancient China
Taoism and Science (by Nathan Sivin; From Medicine, Philosophy and Religion in Ancient China[Variorum, 1995], ch. VII
Wang Xishan (1628-1682) (by Nathan Sivin, from "Science in Ancient China)
Why the Scientific Revolution Did Not Take Place in China - Or Didn't It (by Nathan Sivin, rev. 1992)
"Why Wasn't Chinese Science about Nature? With a Discussion of Concepts of Nature in Ancient Greece and Comparisons" by N. Sivin and G. E. R. Lloyd
The dating of the Chu graves of Changsha by Donald Wagner; Acta Orientalia [Copenhagen], 1987, 48: 111-156)
Early iron in China, Korea and Japan by Donald Wagner
The earliest use of iron in China by Donald Wagner, Published in Metals in antiquity ed. by Suzanne M. M. Young, A. Mark Pollard, Paul Budd and Robert A. Ixer, Oxford: Archaeopress, 1999, pp. 1-9
3rd International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Books and Records of Science and technology Tobingen 2003
Cast iron in China and Europe by Donald Wagner
- Arts in China
Traditional Chinese Music / Guqin Music Ed./Corp.: Christopher Evans
Rethinking Cultural Revolution Culture Workshop and Exhibition, Heidelberg 22.-24. 2. 2001
Reviews of publications concerning Chinese art via Chinese and Japanese Art History WWW Virtual Library
Asian Historical Architecture University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VI, USA
Chinese Art and Architecture: An Annotated List of Recent Works in Western Languages Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
- Miscellaneous
Annotated Bibliographies on Violence and Literacy prepared by Barend Ter-Haar
Silkroad Foundation
(the site contains: studies [Xinjiang, Dunhuang, etc.], articles [abstracts lectures, culture, travel, biblio, maps, timeline, links, FAQ, and newsThe Silk Road Journal (Silk Road Foundation Newsletter)
Great Wall studies In Chinese