

The Louis Frieberg Center for East Asian Studies is offering a variety of scholarships and research grants, notably post-doctoral fellowships but also travel and research grants to advanced students and faculty.  

The center's website also publishes other East-Asian related scholarship, from various sources. Please check individual listings for each scholarship; requirements and eligibility.

For opportunities at HUJI- PhD, Post-Doctoral Fellowships and much more see http://international.huji.ac.il



Frieberg Scholarships

China Scholarships

Scholarship Program for outstanding postdoctoral fellows from China and India

We are pleased to notify you that the 8th cycle of the Council for Higher Education in Israel Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC) Scholarship Program for outstanding postdoctoral fellows from China and India has been published
Deadline for Applications 20 October 2018
Funding: NIS 115,000 per year, of which NIS 46,000 will be paid by the supervisor (NIS 41,000 scholarship and NIS 5,000 travel).
Submission: Details can be found in in the attached call for applications.
Please ensure to follow the instructions.
More Information: The application is available through the University Scholarship website at: http://scholarships.huji.ac.il (select PBC scholarship under General Applications).
International Office website


“Confucius China Study Program” PhD Scholarship

The Department of Asian Studies at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban are offering a scholarship for three years to an outstanding doctoral candidate in the field of Chinese studies beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year in the total amount of up to $60,000 + full tuition.
Please see this file for more information.

2015/2016 Chinese government Scholarship 

The Chinese government offers several scholarships to Israeli students who majored in Chinese studies.
For reading the list of scholarships and for additional information please click here. The application period finished.

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship

 Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's institutions.
Application ends by December 1st, 2011.
For information click here. The application period finished.

China Exchange Fellowship

The Chinese embassy is offering three scholarships for graduate students or undergraduate students who have submitted one seminar and who comply to finish all undergraduate requirements by August.
For information click here. The application period finished.

Scholarships through the Ministry of foreign affairs

An exhcange program of the Israeli Ministry of foreign affairs with The Chinese foreign ministry to study in China. more...
The application finished for 2009-2010 academic year.
For information click here. The application period finished.

HUJI Exchange Scholarship with Beijing University

The studies include advanced language courses. The scholarship is for students who have finished their BA studies and have a basic knowledge of the Chinese language. Applicants must apply by January 31st, 2008.  The application finished for 2009-2010 academic year.

For information click here. The application period finished.

Taiwan Scholarships

Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) Research Grant Program 2014-2015

The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) has the following provisions for its research grant program.
This program is aimed at foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers) and doctoral candidates in Chinese studies-related departments at foreign universities, as well as researchers at related foreign academic institutes. The research should be undertaken in Taiwan, and be focused mainly on Taiwan or Chinese studies.
CCS provides assistance with research expenses, research materials, liaison with universities and research institutions, and use of CCS facilities, etc.
For further information click here.

Call for Proposals for Israeli-Taiwanese Scientific Research Cooperation 2010-2012

Within the framework of the Agreement between the Economic and Cultural Offices in Israel and Taiwan, Taiwanese and Israeli research teams are hereby invited to submit joint research proposals in nanotechnology and medical devices. (Projects that combine nanotechnology and medical devices will get high priority) to be carried out jointly by Israeli and Taiwanese scientists.
For further information click here.

Huayu Enrichment Scholarship

The Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Republic of China ( Taiwan) offers 4 vacancies to Israeli students to apply for the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) of the academic year 2010.
For further information click here.

Japan Scholarships

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships in Japan

The fellowship’s purpose is to provide opportunities for young postdoctoral researchers from other countries to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions. The program allows such researchers to advance their own research while contributing to the progress of research in Japan and the counterpart countries.
Applications for this program are submitted by a host researcher in Japan who wishes to host a foreign postdoctoral fellow.
All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are included under this program.
Full details are available here.

Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: Mext) Scholarship for 2014 (Japanese Studies Students)

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) offers scholarships to foreign students to study in Japanese universities in order to deepen their understanding of the Japanese language, Japanese affairs and Japanese culture.

For further details please click here.

Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbusho)

In 2011, the Japanese goverment offers 7 resarch student scholarships for a period of one and a half or two years.
the scholarships are for BA degree graduates (or higher).
for more information click here.

HUJI Exchange Scholarship with Soka University

The studies include advanced language courses. The scholarship is for students who have finished their BA studies and have a basic knowledge of the Japanese language. Applicants must apply by January 31st, 2009.
The application finished for 2009-2010 academic year.
For more information click here.


The "Mizra" Scholarship for studying in Japan

The "Mizra" association is offering a one year scholarship for studying in Japan. Applicants should contact the Department of East-Asian Studies by February 25th, 2014.
The application finished for 2014-2015 academic year.
For more information click here.


Bloom-Shillony scholarship

research grant for MA students, Japan section
For more information click here.

Atowa Grant for Study Tour in Japan

The Atowa Grant is meant to support and promote academic and cultural dialogue between Israel and Japan.
The Atowa Grant will be awarded each year to an outstanding student of Japanese Studies at the Hebrew University for a study tour in Japan during the summer vacation.


Korea Scholarships

2014 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Program

Additional information can be found at the embassy's website.

Korean Government Scholarship Program 2011

The Korean Government will grant scholarship to two Israeli students for Master’s Program or Doctoral Program in Korea in the year of 2011.
Please submit all documents to the Korean embassy by February 24, 2011.


HUJI Exchange Scholarship with Yonsei University

the studies are in the English language and include courses in the fields of social sciences, Asian studies and the Korean language. The scholarship is for students who have finished their BA studies. Applicants must apply by January 31st, 2008.
The application finished for 2009-2010 academic year.

Other Scholarships

Announcement of Postdoctoral position at HUJI for the academic years of 2019-2021

The program for Buddhist Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) is pleased to announce a new post-doctoral position at the university for the academic years of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. The position is for a full academic year, beginning in October 2019 and continuing through September 2020, and is potentially renewable for a second year. The position has been made possible through the generosity of the Khyentse Foundation.

The main requirements of the position are to conduct high quality research in Buddhist Studies and to contribute to the life of the program. The latter will include – (a) offering one graduate level two-point credit course in the field of Buddhist Studies: at HUJI a two-point credit course is offered throughout one semester, i.e. 14 weekly meetings of 90 minutes each, in either the fall or spring terms. (b) to offer support for our graduate students in their research, mainly through advanced reading in Buddhist languages. (c) to participate in the activities of the program.

Advanced knowledge of at least one classical Buddhist language is a must. Our main needs today are in Tibetan or Chinese Buddhism, but scholars from any field of Buddhist Studies are encouraged to apply. The scholarship will be of 33,000$ distributed evenly over twelve months, which should allow for relatively comfortable living in Jerusalem over the period of the scholarship.

In order to apply, please send the following documents to buddhiststudies@mail.huji.ac.il: (a) a letter of intent and research program (up to 4 pages); (b) an updated CV; (c) one reading sample from the applicant’s publications; (d) two letters of recommendation should be sent directly by the recommenders, stating in the title that they are a recommendations for the applicant.

The final date for the submission of applications is April 30, 2019. Results will be announced by the end of May at the very latest. For any further details or questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Eviatar Shulman at Eviatar.shulman@mail.huji.ac.il.


Post-Docs and PhD fellowships: History of Mongol Eurasia

The European Research Council (ERC) project Mobility, Empire and Cross-Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is offering Post-Docs,  PhDs and Visiting PhD's fellowships beginning in 2015-16 for outstanding candidates  fluent in Chinese, Arabic and Persian (at least one of the above) and with a sound knowledge of the history of the Mongol Empire. The successful candidates will take part in a team work, which creates a prosopographical database of people active under Mongol rule, and can use the  accumulated data for their own research.
For detailed announcement see the attached files or visit the fellowships and funding opportunities section at the Mobility, Empire and Cross Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasia website.
For more info about the project contact Michal Biran at biranm@huji.ac.il
Deadline: February 1st 2015. The application finished.

Call for Enrollment of MA and PhD Students: The Asian Sphere: Trans-Cultural Flows Program 

Additional information at The Asian Sphere website.

The European Research Council (ERC)  project Post-Docs and PhD scholarships as well as visiting PhD's scholarships

The European Research Council (ERC)  project   Mobility, Empire and Cross-Cultural Contacts in Mongol Eurasiaat the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is offering  Post-Docs and PhD scholarships as well as visiting PhD's scholarships.
Deadline: January 31, 2013. The application finished.

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship

Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's institutions.

The application finished.

The Gutwirt Fellowship Scholarship

The Gutwirt Fellowship is offering a scholarship for excelling M.A. students in Chinese studies. Furthermore, another scholarship is offered for M.A. students in Japanese studies. applicants must apply by January 21th, 2010.
The application finished.